Welcome to The Telltale Lounge and thank you for accepting our invitation to this special writing site. By now you have mastered a few hurdles: You have read the rules faithfully, were not discouraged by the application form, and you are ready to explore this site? Then let us give you a short description of what The Telltale Lounge actually is :
The Telltale Lounge is designed as a functional writing site for original creations (no fan fiction, or other stories that might require copyright as they are not substantially original), where
- your imagination flows freely in a protected and private environment, as your creations will only be accessible to members here and are not shown publicly without your approval
- membership is international (English and German are currently supported througout the board)
- English/German writers are supported by an integrated spellchecking program (Spellingcow), so you can train your ability in either language. There is a small section where you can ask for translation help as well
- you can experiment in any genre (fiction and nonfiction)
- you can write single stories, participate in a group work, or try your luck with essays, poetry, lyrics, RPG etc.
- you need not worry about immature readers, as only adults (18+) are accepted
- censorship is minimal and only based upon a standard of actual legal infringement (please, read the rules for further information)
- you keep your copyright, either wholly as a single author or partly in a group creation
- you will not be aggravated by ads, hostile popups or fees
- you can edit, modify and change your work as often as you wish, as there is no time edit limit
- you are not asked to deliver reviews on a regular basis, as feedback is available but the primary function of the site is to write rather than obtain reviews
- the atmosphere might be heated sometimes (as every writer feels passion for their creations) but the climate is intended to be mature, friendly, helpful, and intimate. We evaluate members carefully and will enforce the site standards.
- where you are not put under pressure, as only a partial story must be written every few months to demonstrate some minimal participation or we may discuss with you suspending your account (in general we want writers here, not readers)
- writing will be our main intention instead of chatting or mainly talking about writing (a small chat forum is there, but will be pruned on a regular basis)
- you can take your creation with you after completion and display it on another site publicly or aim for publication (via copy/paste - please, do NOT link to The Telltale Lounge's Forums)
- you have administrators and moderators open for suggestions and dedicated to improving the site, and working to help you feel comfortable and welcome
- the membership is (currently) limited to 100 (real individual) members, so the site will keep its intimate and private character
- traditional forum ranking does not exist and you can think up an individual special title
The Administration (Glance A'Lot and Nusinge)
