Story and commentary header proposals
In order to give readers an outline of your story, please post the STORY HEADER before you start writing your story, by simply using copy and paste of the codes below and then filling in the sections you consider to be important
- either to encourage members to join your story
- or prevent your creation from being lead astray
- or keep consistency right from the start and prevent discussions
This header is meant to be helpful for everyone: authors, co-authors, readers, editors, commentators
*******Please note that we have implemented a helpful shortcut so that while posting a message, you can simply select an appropriate "header" from the Header drop down box at the top of the screen (to the left of the top Preview button). This will automatically insert the selected header information into your post so that you can fill it out*******
[center]STORY HEADER[/center]
[color=#FFE081]Genre:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Story Title:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Author(s):[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Style:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Goal:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Rating:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Language:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]How to join:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Links:[/color] -
[color=#FFE081]Rules:[/color] -
And here you see your result - just fill it with your thoughts, or edit it as your story proceeds:
Genre: -
Story Title: -
Author(s): -
Style: -
Goal: -
Rating: -
Language: -
How to join: -
Links: -
Rules: -
Additional Important Notes
- The Story Header should be placed in the first post of your new story, and the Commentary Header will be placed in the appropriate separate forum when you create a commentary thread (ideally this is done each time, ie, every story has a commentary thread as well). These headers (in this post and the one that follows) should NOT appear in the same post or same forum.
- THESE HEADERS ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE EXCLUSIVE. These are guidelines, if you wish to include additional information, such as asking people for specific types of feedback, or even no feedback, telling readers the current status of the story, asking them to read pieces or other stories in a certain order, etc. please do so.
- If you have several stories that are all related, you can use only one set of headers (in one post) but we strongly recommend that you at least create a link back to the original story with a header and corresponding commentary header which links back, so there is one "master link list" and description of how the different threads are related.